*COLOR Color Install >MAIN The Color Installation program is designed to let you select colors for your MediSoft (or PractiSoft) program, from a color grid of 128 different color combinations. If your computer is equipped with EGA/VGA adapters and monitor the color grid is expanded to include bright colors, a total of 512 different colors. At the bottom of the screen is the function key help line. While at the Color Selection Menu you have the choice of ESC to Exit Color, F1 for on-line help, F2 for About Color Install, F3 to save the current colors to file and F4 to Restore All Default colors. Note: If you select F4 Restore All Defaults, any color changes you have made will be lost. To save your color selections, you must press F3 Save, NOT F4 Restore All Defaults. .CO Color Install To select an option, press the letter by the option title or use the arrow keys to highlight the option and press the "Ù Enter" key. .PA >1 (A) Main Windows O P T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N Main Windows: includes the colors for the majority of your basic screens. This option allow you to set up your own data color, border color, title color, hilite bar color, bold color and data edit color for most of the information and report options. >2 (B) Menu Menu: includes the colors for both the main menu and submenu of the Operations Menu screen within MediSoft (or PractiSoft). You may change the menu box color, the menu title color, menu border color, and the menu option highlight color. .PA >3 (C) Popup Window Popup Window: windows that pop over into another menu selection are considered popup windows. For example, if you are in entry operations and you add a new procedure by pressing the F8 function key, the input screen for a new procedure code pops up over the existing transaction entry screen. You may change the main popup screen color, the data color within the popup window, the border color surrounding the popup screen, and the popup title at the top of the popup window. >4 (D) Function Key Line Function Key Line: this line is located at the bottom of most input screens. You may change the main color of the function key line, the hilite color that usually indicates the function key, and the toggle key found in the far right of the function key line. .PA >5 (E) Message Box Message Box: message boxes are usually messages which require a response. You may change the main screen color of the message box. >6 (F) Search Window Search Window: search windows in MediSoft (or in PractiSoft) are activated by pressing the F6 key. You may change the main screen color of the search window, the border color surrounding the search window, the title color bar at the top of the search window, the hilite bar used to select from the search window list, and the bold text at the bottom of the search window. .PA >7 (G) Popup Ledger Popup Ledger: the popup (F7) ledger includes transaction detail. To distinguish the various segments of the ledger, the right colors enhance this window. You may change the main ledger window color, the border color, the title color, the hilite bar, the heading, line one and line two of the transaction detail that is displayed. This ledger window is first featured in MediSoft Advanced version 4.0 and in PractiSoft version 3.0. >8 (H) Printer Selection Printer Selection: you may change the main color of the printer selection window, the border, the title, and the hilite bar. .PA >9 (I) Error Window Error Window: you may change the main color of the error window, the title and the window border color. >10 (J) Help/Flying Help/About Help/Flying Help/About: help is the F1 general help; flying help is the field sensitive help and the about box the copyright information regarding Color Install. You may change the main color window, the border, the title, and bold text. .PA >11 (K) Miscellaneous Windows Miscellaneous Windows: the Credit Card input and Source of Payment are classified as miscellaneous windows. You may change the main window color, the border color, the title color, the data color and the hilite bar color. >12 (L) Apply Payment Window Apply Payment Window: the apply payment window is located in the Payment/Deposit option of Entry Operations. You may change the main color of the window, the data within the window, the title and the payment window border. .PA >13 (M) Payment Worksheet Window Payment Worksheet Window: the payment worksheet window is located in the Payment/Deposit option of Entry Operations. You may change the main color of the window, the data within the window, the title, the payment window border and the bold text. .PA >14 (X) Exit Color Install To exit Color Install simply highlight option X and press the "Ù Enter" key, or hit the "ESC" key. *SUBMENU Sub-Menu Selection >MAIN S U B - O P T I O N S After you have made a selection from the Color Selection Menu, the submenu box is hilited and a hilite bar appears on the first submenu option. A sample of the possible screen color changes that may be made, displays just below the submenu options. The function key help line has also changed. Your choices are ESC to Return to Menu, F1 for on-line help, F2 for About Color Install, F3 to save the current colors to file and F4 to Restore Defaults. Note: The F4 Restore Defaults, only restores the default color values for the selections available for this menu option, this sample screen. .CO To select one of the submenu options, press the number by the option title or use the arrow keys to highlight the option and press the "Ù Enter" key. To exit the Sub-Menu Selection simply highlight "Return to Main Menu" and press the "Ù Enter" key, or hit the "ESC" key. You are now in the color grid. *CHANGE Change Color Selections >MAIN The  symbol indicates which color is currently being assigned to the selected option. The small color bar and number at the top of the color grid displays the current color's attribute and its ASCII value. You may change colors by using the up and down or left and right arrow keys. As you move around in the color grid, the  symbol designates your current color attribute. The selected option in the Sample Screen changes to the new color, as does the attribute and ASCII value in the upper right hand corner of the Change Color Selections box. .CO Once you have found the color you wish to assign to the selected option, press the "Ù Enter" key to set the color attribute. The new color attribute is NOT saved until you have either pressed F3 Save here at the submenu, or have pressed F3 Save at the Color Selection menu. *